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C.M.L. srl is a renowned company within the engineering and construction industry for over 30 years. Thanks to the commitment of its employees, it has managed to stand out in the market, on four cornerstones:


The CML formwork differ among civil and industrial construction, BioGas, Biomass, hydrogeological, etc, for a flexible and durable system, yet in constant evolution so that it can become, in the long run, a good investment for each company.
The mission of the CML is to establish as a reliable partner, always ready to provide a careful assistance, starting from the design and planning of the work to be carried out, to propose the most appropriate solution to the company in order to reduce costs and time of execution.
This determines the philosophy of CML: “your needs... our future” -  primary value and corporate growth, thanks to a strong partnership with its customers.
The CML network guarantees sale and rental both nationally and internationally.